ANOTHER 7D2D update: *cries in beta*

As I’m gearing up for the gaming event of the decade (in my mind) I’m hit once again with the dreaded “beta”.

I found out last night that yes, they will be releasing Exodus 1.0 on June 24th… yay!!! BUT they’re releasing in BETA until the stable release July 25th.

The question I ask is, do I want to set up a beta server knowing that the alpha is coming out only a month later?? The answer is simple - YES. I will be playing the beta version because 7D2D is amazing and I can’t wait to see what everything looks like. (I might cry)

I apologize to all family and friends because I will be lost in 7 Days to Die for the foreseeable future. Super excited!!!


I said don't read this.


7D2D UPDATE: Exodus 1.0 is coming in June!